Channeled Soul Readings answer any questions that you may have by Kim reading your Akashic Records & retrieving the relevant information that will assist you at this particular time regarding a situation, relationship, direction & providing clarity.
The types of questions are related to Soul Growth & the information that comes forth is about any patterns that may need updating, any woundings that have occurred in this life or a past life that need healing, any relationships that have issues stemming from a past life, insights into your Soul's purpose, clarification about an aspect of your life where you feel stuck. Any situation that you would like some further information on, can be asked about & information retrieved.
These readings are really about Soul Healing. The consciousness that is accessed is passed onto you vibrationally. In other words, you will intuitively receive the energy wrapped up in words, which as you read them will uplift & expand your consciousness. The healing energy is not always about creating drastic changes, it is often about expanding the way you see something & that changes the vibration you are holding. If you live more in fear & have a situation that is bringing up this fear, when looking into this situation & the orginal cause can be accessed, understood & released. What happens in every day life is that, this healing can change what was once an unbearable situation, or the situation created alot of angst, now longer carries that emotional charge. Hence, that aspect of your life becomes more peaceful.
An example, would be a relationship that has alot of conflict in it. Finding out where this conflict originated from creates an understanding within the Soul, so that conflict then starts to diminish. It is no longer need to be played out in the physical. The relationship may not change drastically, but the interactions can become more harmonious & over time the stress that was experienced by both parties can dissolve, leaving room for the relationship to either grow into something healthier or to have both parties mutually release each other from the stress that was once being played out.
Another example, would be if you are not experiencing enough success in life & feel more like failing at what you are trying to do. This creates anxiey & feelings of depression, hopelessness & so on. When the Akashic Records are accessed then we can go back into the life where this pattern originated from, the orginal wounding & once known the healing enrgy automatically comes forth to clear the patten of feeling like a failure. In you every day life, this will be experienced as a lightening feeling, things will start to get easier & things will start to work out. You will be able to move out of feeling stuck into to progressing forward.
You can ask about your Soul's Purpose. Often knowing more about what your Soul would like to experience will give you a sense of relief, instead of being unsure. Sometimes it is not a big purpose, sometimes it is a confirmation of what you are already doing & so this give you a sense of certainty instead of searching. Other times something will come through that you have forgotten about but resonates with you. On occassion the information may not resonate until may years later, but it was the key to your Awakening.
When I access your Akashic Records your guides may bring through information they would like you to know & that will be channeled. This information will be in addition to the questions that you have asked.
You can ask up to & including 5 questions & you need to provide your Name at Birth & your current name, if it has changed. You also need to provide a current photo of yourself.
I spend an hour in your Akashic Records & write up all of the information received & send it to you in an email.
Please go to our "Prices" page & once payment is received & you have sent through your details & photo via email, I will do the reading, write it up & send it back to you within 7 days.
Love, light & blessings Kim
After many years of earning less than I wanted too, I realised that I was stuck in a pattern of not being financially abundant. So, I had an Soul Akashic Records reading done & discovered that there was an experience from a past life that was holding me back. It was also revealed, that my family lineage had the same pattern in it. After hearing the story of my past, where I was homeless but loving the freedom of no responsibilities & living a life that was ok, except for the last couple of months. Most of the time it was really enjoying the freedom. I had liked the freedom, so this kept me stuck in a place where I did’t have much materialistically. Understanding that I could shift my perception to finding freedom & having materialistic things, like a home, transport, clothing, food etc were the basics that I was worthy of having. Since have allowed my self to create & receive.
Thank you to Kim for helping me to understand where I was stuck & how to release these patterns that stop me from living the life I really want to experience.
Sean, Terrigal Beach.
I had a complicated relationship with my brother. When we were younger we got along quite well. As we got older, this changed to a point of many many years where we were always fighting & in conflict. I had a reading to discover how to change this conflict. I was told of a past life, where we were siblings of very wealthy parents. We kept competing with each other, always one wanting to out do the other. It was compulsive & destructive. Our father was always affected by our behaviour & this competing affected all of our healthy in a detrimental way. After I understood the underlying pattern in my relationship with my brother, I was able to choice to simply stop competing with him. This changed over time how we interacted. The interactions became smoother, less antagonistic, less conflict, more harmonious. This reading helped me to change a long term stressful situation in my life & find a resolution, where I could not find one before.
Thank you & gratitude.
Tony, Woy Woy.