St Germain
My guides have asked for me to share with everyone that I consciously choose to connect to guides from the highest of Light & Unconditional Love. Including the Ascended Masters ~ in particular Saint Germaine, Mother Mary & Mary Magdalene, the Arcturians who specialise in healing & are already aligned with Christ consciousness, the Archangels ~ in particular Archangel Michael & Archangel Raphael & Archangel Metatron & my Higher Self.
I have been made aware that as I channel for this newsletter, that the newsletter is vibrationally imbued with high vibrational alignment energies for you as you read it, if you allow yourself to receive what serves your
Highest purpose. You simply say to yourself in your mind or out loud ‘I allow my self to receive the alignments & codes that best serve my highest purpose’.
Also, as you allow yourself to receive your own alignments. You may if you choose, to allow those energies
&/or codes of alignment placed in your aura to be passed onto anyone you meet or talk to if it is in alignment with their highest purpose. Again, simply create the intention ‘I allow any alignment energies or codes in my aura to be passed onto anyone I connect with if it is alignment with their highest purpose’.