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Constant Craving by Doreen Virtue

Constant Craving by Doreen Virtue
Constant Craving by Doreen Virtue

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Constant Craving by Doreen Virtue

Model Number: B144
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Manufacturer: Hay House Publishing
  • Description
  • Specifications

Do you crave chocolate, bread, cheese, fries or other foods? If so, there's a reason why, as Doreen Virtue's breakthrough book explains. Each food craving actually corresponds to a specific underlying emotion; so once you understand the meaning behind your particular craving and apply the information and affirmations within these pages, you'll be able to heal your cycle of emotional overeating.

In addition, you'll read scientific studies about the mood- and energy-altering properties of each food, which will help you see how your appetite perfectly mirrors your emotions. This comprehensive and empowering guide will also show you how to give 'food readings' to yourself and others, allowing you to accurately interpret the meaning behind many cravings.

Constant Craving is a one-of-a-kind book that will give you the emotional, physical and spiritual tools you need to make friends with food . . . and your appetite!

Dimensions: Weight 345 grams

                        Width 135 mm

                         Height 0.020

                         Length 210 mm