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Soul Healings are energetic healings that have been created to assist you in releasing & permanently clearing all of your distortions in your DNA (physical & non-physical) which are your wounds, trauma, limited beliefs in your physical, emotional, mental, ancestral & Soul levels.
Kim uses a combination of energetic techniques to help you shift your consciousness from the Ego Wounding & realign to your Soul’s Unique Expression. This means that you consciously choose to vibrate at a Higher Frequency, that is more from Unconditional Love & Acceptance of yourself. This is known as the Soul Alignment Process. As you continue to release the trauma you begin to live your life through expressing the pure energy of your Soul & thus experience more Joy, Peace, Compassion, Unconditional Love & Acceptance. Life becomes much more authentic, true to yourself.
Kim can assist with any situation to clear beliefs & use energetic techniques & vibrational essences to clear what no long serves. Some examples are: Assistance to reduce stress & anxiety, assistance with the grieving process, emotional healing, clarification with the Awakening/Ascension process, Chakra balancing & so on.
Soul Healings are a combination of Theta Healing, Reiki Healing, Chakra Balancing, Channelled Healing Energies from Our Guides, the Ascended Masters, Archangels & the benevolent Galactic Healers. The guidance comes through at the time of healing in a safe & nurturing environment. Soul Healing is useful when you are working through something & you have taken proactive action to clear the distortion/wounding before it becomes too overwhelming. Or if you have been stuck with some aspect for sometime & haven’t been able to go deep enough into it, the Soul Healings are very helpful.
Soul Healings can be undertaken as an adjunct to conventional medicine, as there is no interference with conventional medicine. All is energetic & gets into the root cause of the issue.