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Vaccines Are They Really safe & Effective? by Neil Z. Miller

Vaccines Are They Really safe & Effective? by Neil Z. Miller
Vaccines Are They Really safe & Effective? by Neil Z. Miller

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Vaccines Are They Really safe & Effective? by Neil Z. Miller

Model Number: B130
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Manufacturer: New Atlantean Press
  • Description
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True of false?

The Hepatitis B Vaccine may cause Multiple Sclerosis & Autoimmune Disorders.

The Chickenpox Vaccine is manufactured in Human Fetal Tissue.

The MMR (Measles, Mumps & Rubella) Vaccine may cause Autism, Brain Damage & Death.

Can mandatory vaccines trigger developmental disorders and autoimmune diseases? Does the government secretly calculate how many people will be permanently disables & killed from vaccines? 

Did AIDS originate in diseased monkey organs used to incubate polio vaccines? Are new viruses tested on unsuspecting vaccine recipients? How safe is your child from the near & long term effects of these "miracle" shots.

Are vaccines really safe & effective. This book will explain the information that you need to know. 

Dimensions:  Weight  161 grams

                          Width  141 mm

                           Height  8 mm

                           Length  217 mm